Super Zucchini Jam, Cakes, & More

T'is the season for zucchini!  Everyone I know seems to have it coming out their ears.  With such a bounty, it can be hard to use it all before it goes bad, so I thought I would share some unique uses for this plentiful squash.

Now, 2 years ago, Joanne posted a great blog on making Strawberry Jam from zucchini.  I liked the thought of making jam from zucchini because I never get enough berries to make jam from my garden and buying them can be expensive.  Here was a solution to both my "no berries" dilemma and my "too many giant zucchini" dilemma. 

Here's the recipe with some notes of my own.

6 c zucchini (peeled, grated)
˝ c water
6 c sugar
1/3 c lemon juice (1/4 t. True Lemon + 1/3c Water)
6 oz  gelatin (any flavor)
2 oz pectin (1 box)


Wash your jars (5 pints or 10 ˝ pints) in hot water with soap or in the dishwasher on the "sanitize” setting with hot wash and rinse water.  Keep your jars warm until you use them.

Boil your jar lids for 10 minutes, then turn the stove down to low until they are needed.

Peel zucchini, then slice in half length-wise and scoop out the seeds.  Make sure you get them all.  Then rinse all your pieces under cold water to make sure they are clean.

Grate the zucchini.  You can use a commercial grater like the one pictured here, or a cheese grater will do.  With commercial graters like the one for the KitchenAid Stand Mixer, you will want to chop your zucchini into 1-2 inch cubes before you try to grate it.

Measure out all of the rest of the ingredients before you begin the cooking process.  It goes very quickly and needs to be stirred the whole time, so there won't be time to measure later.

Before               After 6 Minutes
Bring water and zucchini to boil.  Let simmer for 6 minutes.

Add sugar and lemon juice.  Boil 6 minutes.

Add gelatin and Boil 2 Minutes.  You can use any flavor you’d like.  (Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Grape, or even Orange for marmalade).  Sugar-Free is a good option, too.  

Stir in pectin and boil 1 minute.

Turn off heat and move pot to cool burner. Fill warm jars with hot mixture.  Wipe rims clean and adjust lids and rings on jars.  Process for 10 minutes – Follow the directions for your canner.
  • Water Bath Canner:  Place jars into canner covered by 2 inches of water.  Start timer when water comes to a full rolling boil.

      • Steam Canner:  Place jars onto tray and cover with the lid.  Start timer when steam pours out the holes on the sides of the lid.

      • Pressure Canner:  Place jars into pot.  Make sure that if you do not have a full batch, you place additional jars in the pot to fill all the extra spaces.  I do that with jars that I fill with water and cover with lids and rings.  This keeps the jars from clanking against each other and breaking during the process.  Start the timer once you reach 10psi.  Make sure to adjust the temperature to keep the pressure between 10 and 15psi.
      Remove from canner.  Allow to cool at room temperature.  This is a jam not a jelly and will look very loose until it cools.

      This jam is sweet and delicious.  Best of all it is super low in calories compared to regular jam, and packs in a whole serving of vegetables!  Awesome! 

       Some of my other favorite recipes are from our Mary Ann's Cupboards Blog & Recipe Collections:

      1. Zucchini Cake:  A moist, delicious, and low calorie treat!  Print recipe here
      2. Zucchini Relish:  An alternative for Sweet Pickle Relish.  It's easy to make and has great texture. Print recipe here
      3. Pureed Zucchini Soup:  A creamy, flavorful soup.  Especially tasty on cold fall mornings.
      And if you want to save your fresh zucchini and other squash for later use, check out Bobbie's blog called: Zucchini, Zucchini, Zucchini.

      Hopefully I've given you a few new ideas to try, especially for those giant, not so tender zucchini in your garden.  Let me know if you have questions below. 

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      Tags: Zucchini  garden  fresh  canning 

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