Is There a Class You Are Dying to Take?
Schedule one for you and your friends today!
All of our classes are designed to save you time and money. For every principle you implement in your life, you will save 25% on the budget you use for household goods, groceries, clothes, etc. You will also save yourself 2 hours a week of time. What would you pay yourself if you were an hourly employee? What is your time worth to you?
- Choose a class to host (see offerings) either a single class, a series or a full curriculum.
Schedule a date with us. It is best to pick a couple of dates that you have open, then contact us or your local instructor for immediate scheduling.- Invite your friends to save the date and come to class.
- Host the class at your house
- Laugh and learn about the simple methods and systems that can save you lots of time and money.
- Tasting samples for all cooking classes and treats for all other classes.
- A one-page handout for those who do not wish to buy the manual that goes with the class. Class manuals are available to purchase at class at a discount.
- Clipboards for taking notes
- Classroom copies of the manual (to be returned at end of class if not purchased)
- All equipment needed to present the class
- Seating for the number of friends invited
- A counter bar or table for the presentation
- A computer and internet for placing orders if needed.
- Free class admission
- A Free manual for the class or another manual of your choice
- A sample of all the products presented in a cooking class or refreshments in other classes
- A one-page handout of class outline or recipes
- Greater efficiency that gives them an additional 2 hours a week
- $10 per person
- 5 people minimum
Tags: friends party hostess class free
Online Classes
A Grocery Store in Your Home, e-learn
Basic principles that help you make smart, economical decisions about food storage.
Basic principles that help you make smart, economical decisions about food storage.
Growing & Using Sprouts Class
Sprouting seeds are packed with vital nutrients, protein, and minerals. They make a highly nutritional addition to your Food Storage.
Sprouting seeds are packed with vital nutrients, protein, and minerals. They make a highly nutritional addition to your Food Storage.
Clutter Free Living E-Learning Class
Every house has storage issues regardless of it's size. Double your storage space with simple principles that will keep your house clutter-free all day, everyday.
Every house has storage issues regardless of it's size. Double your storage space with simple principles that will keep your house clutter-free all day, everyday.
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