Blog Items tagged: grocery
Space Savings for Grocery Sack Storage Plastic grocery sacks are a great item to reuse and up-cycle, but storing them can get a little out of control. Mary Ann's new video post shows you how to make the most of your time and space with a simple "minute" project. Post Date: 3/31/2015 What's a Supermarket Fruit loop? Continuing her blogs on teaching in the supermarket, Pat takes us through the fruit aisles. Post Date: 7/11/2013 The Supermarket Classroom part 2 Pat takes us down the produce aisle with the kids in tow learning as we go. Post Date: 6/17/2013 The Supermarket Classroom Part 1 Pat gives us a lesson in using the common grocery store trip as an education opportunity for your children. Post Date: 5/14/2013 |
Online Classes
A Grocery Store in Your Home, e-learn
Basic principles that help you make smart, economical decisions about food storage.
Basic principles that help you make smart, economical decisions about food storage.
Eat Better for Less E-Learning Class
With the rising costs of groceries, you may have noticed your budget rising, too. Learn how easy it is to save money on groceries right now - No Coupons Necessary!
With the rising costs of groceries, you may have noticed your budget rising, too. Learn how easy it is to save money on groceries right now - No Coupons Necessary!
Growing & Using Sprouts Class
Sprouting seeds are packed with vital nutrients, protein, and minerals. They make a highly nutritional addition to your Food Storage.
Sprouting seeds are packed with vital nutrients, protein, and minerals. They make a highly nutritional addition to your Food Storage.
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