Quantity Cooking: Sides and Salads

Sides & Salads

In the blog on making freezer meals at home, we talked about cooking meat, beans and pasta ahead of time and freezing them in meal size bags or containers.  Rice, re-fried beans, mashed potatoes, potatoes Au-gratin and scalloped potatoes are other items that can be made in quantity and frozen.  I often make these sides all at once and put them in the refrigerator for use during the upcoming week.  I label a shelf in my refrigerator "Meals—do not eat” so that the items I plan on using do not get eaten as snacks or for lunches.  I also make salads ahead of time and place them on the same shelf.

Having dinner entrees and sides in the freezer, and salads in the refrigerator eliminates the 5:00 rush and trying to figure out "what am I going to fix for dinner?”—it’s already prepared and ready to eat.  This is a great way to reduce the stress at the most hectic time of the day as well as cut your grocery bill.  Soup is always one of my weekly meals as well as a main dish salad.  The rest of the salads I prepare are side dishes that will keep in the refrigerator for a week—fruit salad (from canned fruit), pasta salad, Jell-o, vegetable or green and bean or meat salad. Here are some of my  favorite main dish salads.  You can find out how to make the dressings for these recipes for half the price in the Substitutions cookbook.

Spaghetti Salad

Brocolli Salad

Shrimp or Tuna Salad

Three Bean Salad

Chinese Chicken Salad

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Tags: quantity cooking  side salads  salads  fruit salad  meat salad  tuna salad  brocolli salad  chicken salad  three bean salad 

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