Crockpot BBQ Chicken Dinner

This is a favorite fast meal of everyone here at Mary Ann's Cupboards. And here is a joint blog on how to make the chicken and a time tested favorite side to go with it.

BBQ Chicken
Place raw chicken pieces in crock pot. Frozen is fine. Use any type of chicken pieces ya want. Pour an entire bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce over chicken. For variety you can add pineapple &/or green peppers. Cook on low 8 hours or on high for 4 hours.

This one is fantastic if you have a super busy day because you can cook it longer if you’re absent from the kitchen & it takes 5 min to prep! The meat falls off the bones – so yummy! May serve with rice & veggies, (green salad, fresh, canned or frozen veggies, or fruit).

This is also a huge hit for BBQ wings. You can add Tabasco sauce for hotness. If you partially cook the wings in the microwave or broil them in the oven (5 min each side) you don’t need to crock pot as long.

My family loves this chicken and we always had these buttery dill potatoes with it.
Dill & Butter Potatoes
It is very simple. Either peal or scrub up about 4-5 potatoes (one potato per person about). If you like some peal then just make sure you scrub it clean. Dice the lot of the potatoes and put in a pot to boil.

When they are tender drain them thoroughly and return to the pot. Add about 2-4 Tbsp. butter, a healthy Tsp or so of salt, and a Tbsp of dried dill weed. Gently mix together once the butter has melted.

Finish the plate with veggies and you are all set!
Tags: quick meals crockpot dinner ideas chicken time saving
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