Home Pharmacy Lists

Home Pharmacy Lists:


  • Kills micro-organisms
  • Medical medium for the creation of tinctures/syrups (must be a safe to ingest alcohol, DO NOT use isopropyl or rubbing alcohol internally)
  • Disinfectant properties make this an excellent topical cleaner
  • Cooing agent to cool the body temperature
  • Removes oils and impurities on any surface

Silver (Colloidal Silver)

  • Wounds
  • Flu
  • Bacterial infections
  • Cleaning surfaces
  • Deodorant
  • Mouth wash
  • Safe for animals
  • Prophylaxis

Willow Bark (aspirin)

  • Fever
  • Inflammation
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis


  • Cough suppressant
  • Kills micro-organisms in wounds
  • Kills micro-organisms that cause ulcers
  • Promotes white cell development to destroy germs
  • Promotes immune responses to germs
  • Decreases scaring in wounds
  • Resolves allergies


  • Saline—kills micro-organisms through osmosis
  • Sugar water — offer some electrolytes
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Bleeding
  • Shock
  • Infections
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Inadequate intake


  • Kills micro organisms
  • Aids in the control of blood sugar
  • Aids in the control of body weight
  • Decreases cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Solvent in making and preserving herbal medications
  • Relieves heart burn
  • Relives bug bite itching-by neutralizing the alkaline poison
  • Relieves pain of sunburns by cooling the skin
  • Kills yeast in vaginal yeast infections
  • Eliminates dandruff-by killing the bacteria responsible
  • Multiple other cleaning household purposes

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Tags: Alcohol  silver  willow bark  honey  water  vinegar  home health  home remedies  home healing 

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