Homemade Chocolate Chips

Homemade Chocolate Chunks
I am always running out of chocolate chips.  And, because you usually add them at the end of a recipe, you never know you need them until the last minute!  Here's another 5 minute substitution recipe that will save you up to 70% and a trip to the store, when you make them yourself.

You Will Need
  • 1 c Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 c Oil (any kind)
  • 2 c Powdered Sugar
  • A Mixing Bowl
  • A Wooden Spoon
Watch the video first!  Britney has lots of really good insights for you!

A couple of tips:

For a recipe that calls for melted chocolate chips, just heat the oil before you mix in the rest of the ingredients.
For a recipe that calls for whole chips - like cookies and brownies - don't heat the oil.
For milk chocolate instead of semi-sweet, substitute 3 T of milk powder for 3 T of powdered sugar!

That's it!  We hope you find lots of uses for this recipe this holiday season!
Let us know how it goes by typing your comments and questions below!

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