Snoop Shopping

Dress better for less
A snoop shopping trip at the beginning of a season allows you to become aware of the latest styles and how they can be integrated into your current wardrobe.  This trip costs you nothing and will save you a lot of time and money during the season.  Follow this step by step procedure to get the best mileage for your money in fashion wardrobe development:

magazinesPickup copies of the January and February issues of Vogue and Bazaar magazines to determine spring and summer trends; July and August issues for fall and winter trends in fashion.  Study them carefully several times through.  Each time you look through the magazines pick out a specific style change or new detailing:

Visit your favorite fabric store and research the new season pattern books for overall changes in fashion and the new looks that are in that might fit your personal style.  New styles are available in pattern books before they are shown in retail stores.

the stores.  Try on new styles to determine what you look good in.  Shop with a notebook and pencil; leave our checkbook, credit cards, and cash at home.  Take careful notes on sizes, styles, colors and details that you want to incorporate into your    wardrobe.  If you find selections that you might want to purchase, write down the name of the store, the item and the department where it’s found.

.  Keep only those things that you plan to wear this season, that fit, and whose colors and styles are flattering on you.  Determine your life style and the amount of clothes you need in each category (see lifestyle chapter in our new book Dress Better for Less).

Determine what you will buy and what you will make.  Sew expensive items or buy them in classic, long wearing styles and fabrics.  Buy fad items and items that will be used for only one season at budget stores or make in inexpensive fabric.

This is just one idea on how to save money on your wardrobe purchases.  Our new Dress Better for Less manual shows you how to choose colors and styles that fit your personality and body type and how to coordinate your wardrobe so you have clothes for every occasion in as few pieces as  possible with maximum versatility.

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Tags: snoop shopping  dress better for less  shopping. clothing. smart shopping 

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