Financial burdens are far more common than natural disasters in most places.  That's why groceries play an important roll in every families budget.  Food money is often the only liquid funds a family has at its disposal to take care of financial emergencies.  When the loss of a job, or reduction in pay happens, it is best to have a reserve of food available to float you through those tricky financial times.  What if we told you that you could increase what you have in storage and decrease your current food bill at the same time?  Would you believe us?  Well, that is exactly what this class is all about.
This Class Teaches:
  • A simple and easy to follow food storage plan that can increase your food reserves and decrease your grocery budget at the same time!
  • A method of feeding your family more efficiently, saving you TIME, MONEY, STORAGE SPACE & ENERGY.
  • Meal planning that eliminates wasted food and science experiments in your refrigerator.
  • Systems that allow you to integrate your long and short-term storage in to your daily life so that shelf-life and rotation schedules are not needed.
People come to this class because:
  • They are frustrated with how much acquiring a food reserve seems to cost.
  • They are confused by the rotation, shelf-life, and quantity schedules that most food storage plans follow.
  • They are of the mindset that having a food reserve is essentially squirreling away food until the 12th of NEVER, just in case…
  • They are concerned with the amount of food Waste in their home which = Money Wasted.
Now Available!
The companion manual for this class and is NOW AVAILABLE!  

Host a Class Near You:
This class can be scheduled for large and small groups.
Fill out this form to be connected with a teacher in your area. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to get together, learn, have fun, be fed, and get a discount on cookbook manual for this class.

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