Summer is Here - Let's Have An Adventure!

This page is the future home of our Adventure Day Program.  Adventure Day was a tradition that Mary Ann started with her grand children 18 years ago, and it still lives on!  Even though schedules make it hard to get everyone there each week, they always have a great day with whoever can make it.

What is Adventured Day?
Named by her grandson Cody when he was 3, "Ad-Benture Day" is an all day outing that allows you to get outside, try new things, and bond as a family.  This summer, Mary Ann will be guiding families through many of the wonderful adventures available in and around Boise.  Most of them don't cost anything but parking fees and welcome creativity, fun, and educational experiences.

How does it work?
  1. Each Friday (starting June 11th), we will post a description of the Adventure Day activity for the following Thursday.  Adventure Day is an all day event.  We will leave around 10am and be back sometime between 4:00 and dinnertime.  
  2. If you and your family would like to join us, simply reserve your seat by registering online.  Only six family slots will be available each week as some of our destinations are quite remote and have limited parking space.
  3. On that Tuesday, you will receive an email with instructions, packing lists, and maps to print out and bring with you.  These handouts are yours to keep so that you can get back to that place again and again without our help in the future.
  4. On that Thursday, we will meet at the take-off point designated on the instructions, have a brief orientation on the days events and complete the paperwork (liability waiver and such).  Then we will head off for our day of fun.

What does it cost?

The cost for each weeks adventure is $20 per family + gas.  The cost covers your handouts, your guide fees and most of your equipment.   A few of our destinations will have parking fees as well.  You will also need to pack a lunch for you and your family. 

Our Adventure Day Program is a class that is designed help parents learn where to go and what to do around Boise, ID.  Mary Ann will be your guide, so that you can find some of the Treasure Valley's most precious spots to play.  There is a discount for reserving your seat for the whole summer.  

Do I need any special equipment?

We will be bringing the equipment Mary Ann uses with her grandchildren to each of our destinations.  Details of these items will be on your equipment list.  If you do not have items on the list, have no fear.  Come and try ours out before you invest in your own.  You may decide or not decide to purchase some of these items based on your experiences during the day.   

Check the calendar on our home page for information on our next adventure!

Don't miss this opportunity to get to know the valley better.  Learn how to safely and confidently find the fun in simple activities and help your kids get familiar with nature, and out of the house.   If you are new to the area, or if you and your kids just need to get out, your Adventure Days will never be forgotten!

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