Homemade Frozen Yogurt

Everybody loves Fro-Yo! Did you know that you can make it at home in any flavor you want for pennies? It's true and it's delicious! It's basically 3 parts: The Yogurt Mix, The Freezer Blend & the Mix-ins.

First The Yogurt Mix:
3 c warm water
1 1/2 c regular powdered milk or 3 c instant
3/4 c yogurt start (I prefer Nancy’s plain non-fat yogurt)

Put water in a blender. Turn on low and slowly add powdered milk until thoroughly mixed. Add start and blend until smooth. Do not incubate. Chill in refrigerator before making frozen yogurt. Yield 6 cups.

The Freezer Blend:
6 c yogurt mix
2 c sugar

Blend together until smooth.

The Mix-ins:
Choose 1 of the following:
  • 2 (10-oz) pkg frozen fruit thawed
  • 1 (#2 can) canned fruit
  • 2 cups fresh fruit except pineapple
  • 3 T Wip-it powder & 1 cup of chocolate chopped
  • 1 T unflavored gelatin (dissolve in ˝ c warm water) + 1 pkg Kool-aid or other unsweetened drink mix
  • ˝ c (3oz pkg) of flavored Jell-O (dissolve in ˝ c boiling water)
Make yogurt mix and put in refrigerator to chill. Do not incubate. This will give a milder more commercial flavor. If using gelatin or Jell-O to flavor, dissolve in water. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into ice cream freezer and freeze. Yield 1 gallon.

You can also freeze the mix in Popcicle trays or tubes for a fun treat for kids!

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Tags: yogurt  powedered milk  recipe  fresh  frozen 

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